The Uvula. If I admit to a certain amount of fascination with it, am I going on the public record as some kind of fetishist or something?
Most of us have seen cartoon representations of the uvula, even if we didn't know its proper name at the time. It is the small bit of tissue that hangs off the back end of the soft palate, that wobbles back and forth when a cartoon character is hollering.
And for some singers, depending on their training, the uvula has indicated the presence of a well-engaged diaphragm, swinging forwards and back with each mindful "ha" exhalation in front of a mirror.
It has occurred to me, however, that if Nature intended a purpose for the uvula beyond storyboarding and bel canto, then I am in the dark about it. So I thought I'd do a little research...
It turns out that the uvula isn't just hanging out. The uvula plays an important role in articulating the sounds we make into sounds recognizable as speech, functioning in tandem with the back of the throat, the palate, and air coming up from the lungs.
If that wasn't enough, as a distinct bonus the uvula also has an important function in swallowing. The uvula and soft palate work as a team, moving upwards together to close off the nasopharynx, sparing us the indignity of having our soup dribble back out our nose when dining out.
I'm glad I took the time to read up a little more on the uvula. I am now reassured that my fascination with the uvula is neither the first, nor the worst. Apparently it is possible to have one's uvula pierced, with the captive bead ring as the jewelry of choice. I won't be signing up for that any time soon though - manipulation of the uvula also triggers the gag reflex, and I try to avoid regurgitating as much as possible.
(If obtaining an uvula piercing is something that appeals to you, please take the time to do your own research. There are several inherent risks, including inhaling your jewelry, and if you do that then you're in for some emergency surgery. And please find someone who really knows what they are doing - for both the piercing and the surgery that is.)
If you happen to find yourself in a discussion of the uvula at your next cocktail party, be sure to specify "the palatine uvula". You'll not only sound smarter, but you'll also stay on familiar turf. Apparently both the cerebellum and the urinary bladder have uvulas of their own, equally worthy I'm sure, but beyond the scope of this blog posting.
So there it is - the daily contributions to the quality of our lives of the humble uvula. Who knew? Give me a U....
Okay okay I'll knock it off. But take good care of your uvula and it will take good care of you. Seriously - overdoing some of our most common vices (smoking, alcohol, street drugs) can lead to swelling of the uvula. But there are also more pedestrian causes for this, like dehydration or infection. I've read that ice cream is soothing for this, if it happens to you. But more chronic enlargement of the uvula can lead to snoring or sleep apnea. And people who have uvulitis triggered by allergies often have to resort to an EpiPen, without the benefit of ice cream.