What a time it's been! Several writing deadlines and applications, some incredible opportunities, lots of composing and arranging, and loads of choir activity, on top of the regular gigging and teaching load has meant no postings lately! But all is well. Podium 2012 starts in a few hours and I can't wait! I was really pleased with Vox Eclectica Women's Chamber Choir's Joni concerts, and Capital Vox Jazz Choir really turned it out for their 5th Anniversary Blue Skies Smiling concert. I couldn't have asked for a lovelier premiere of Ave Maria for Mary Tevlin - thanks so much Elise Bradley and Toronto Children's Chorus!
Watch for changes in the coming weeks - I'm in the process of revamping my web presence, and soon this blog and my web home will all be under one web roof!
Enjoy this wonderful SpringTime everybody!